2021 has been a very good relieve from the shock of 2020, when talking about shocks 2020 has been so good in causing some extreme shocks, in the year 2020,A lot of stuffs happened, you might have heard of some while some didn’t reach you, the first quarter of 2020 started with a pandemic that started with a slow surge and it became faster in march 2020,as the world tries so hard to prevent it from taking over, but every effort proved abortive and even in the year 2021,it looks like ,we have no way of stopping it, but before that in January 2020,We almost caused a nuclear war between America and Iran and this was due to an airstrike over a leader in Iran, in 2020,we survived the California wildfires that caused a lot of destruction, we know that 2020 has affected our lives so much and the human race is doing its possible best to adapt to it, after all it has caused a change in terms of ...