2021 has been a very good relieve from the shock  of 2020, when talking about shocks 2020 has been so good in causing some extreme shocks, in the year 2020,A lot of stuffs happened, you might have heard of some while some didn’t reach you, the first quarter of 2020 started with a pandemic that started with a slow surge and it became faster in march 2020,as the world tries so hard to prevent it from taking over, but every effort proved abortive and even in the year 2021,it looks like ,we have no way of stopping it, but before that in January 2020,We almost caused a nuclear war between America and Iran and this was due to an airstrike over a leader in Iran, in 2020,we survived the California wildfires that caused a lot of destruction, we know that 2020 has affected our lives so much and the human race is doing its possible best to adapt to it, after all it has caused a change in terms of lifestyle and the lockdown brought us closer than ever to our neighbors and to the things that didn’t matter that much to us, but now, we are in 2021 with no hope of the virus leaving humanity, but I don’t think we should allow it to delay us in terms of our lifestyle, but instead we should make it something that can be used to adjust it to bring out the best if ourselves
                      I know how 2020,must have been to you, being in lockdown with those people you don’t relate much with, you are not that kind of person that stays at home, your morning schedule all deals with work and you come back only at night, but after hearing that you are likely to work at home, it is a real pain because you think you don’t have a way of adapting to it, for one reasons, your neighbors are distant to you and you can’t easily request for their help easily because you have little or no relations, So this is 2021,it is time to tighten the bond, This year you can try to relate more with your neighbour by offering gifts that are so much appreciated, don’t offer gifts that looks weird and confusing, give them the gifts they might need the most and I will suggest you visit them regularly, you know, to check on their wellbeing and to encourage them to stay strong, you might need to dispose your attitude of “I don’t care” and start caring because the only way in which we get to bypass the dangers of a new year is by caring for others and showing love
                    2020 probably saved your income and you are just noticing it, you had to do all the cooking by yourselves and no going to the café or mall in a lockdown, but it is 2021 and it seems those savings might have to come to a quick end as there is no lockdown and you are free to go to your place of work and that brings back all the life before 2020,so this is 2021,you might really have to develop ways to save your money, in 2020,people learnt a lot from their mistakes, they learnt that if they don’t save ahead, it can be so disastrous, this was the reason why some companies closed down while some went ahead with no scathe of any sort, so it really depends on your ability to foresee the future, Humanity is entering the overpopulation era and if we are not careful, many more pandemics are likely to arrive, which will likely become a problem to us, so you might want to save money ahead and probably start some investments like cryptocurrencies, stock trading and more, and learn to budget money for stuffs every month, savings can be little, but it will help in a long term
Finding new stuffs
                     Life is all about finding your passion and thriving with it, but it doesn’t give us enough time to find it and that’s where the problem comes in, as in where do you find the time to be relieved from your duties to perfectly study things that you don’t have the time to study it, and that time came in 2020,during the lockdown of 2020,A lot of things changed, people were able to have the time of their life, enough time to develop skills that were so far from their imagination, some people even studied courses which seems unimaginable, people learnt new abilities that they are not aware of, so this is 2021,let’s assume you didn’t use the 2020 well, so what should you do in 2021,you should be trying to find and extend your passion and the best way to do that is to try new things, new things that will improve your value and benefit your life, Try to develop yourselves in things that you are lagging behind in order to become the best version of yourselves, if you still have more time, try to develop skills related to your workplace because these skills will add to your resourceful ness and will make them to be unlikely to sack you.
Decisions and thinking
                   2020 might have been a buzz that just spoilt everything, as in I know you remember that last minute when you might have had to make decisions that have little or no time for thinking,2020 was an extreme shocker,A pandemic,A lack of adequate lifestyle, we can really say that a lot has happened and those decsiions have been poorly made,but we are in 2021 and it looks like not much might come out of this year because we are repairing the sudden damage of last year and it looks like it might take longer than this year,so since we are in 2021,I would like you to take a good consideration and patiently resolve those issues you have,you must have learnt from the poor decisions you made before 2020,that caused a lot issues and are still being repaired,so make the better choice, It looks like 2021 will be a changing point to finally release humanity from the covid-19 prison,we have created vaccines that can promote herd immunity and can help us to return back to the new normal,so lets just stay positive,so we with the tips for adjustment that I have listed,I hope it helps you in changing your lifestyle and in bringing out the best part of you,Happy new month!


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