The climate crisis is so far the worst challenge being faced by humans, It is just that every method we have implemented so far in curbing the crisis is of no use and has caused a lot of issues, We have created Protocols and Technologies to help curb the release of Co2 into the atmosphere, But it seems we have to rely on the power of technology for now, Gone are the days when we advise humans to take actions themselves, through the use of technology in managing the amount of toxic substances and harmful habits we do, we can be rest assured that this issue is about to be gone and it will create a new age, the following technologies have proven helpful

                   The rising temperature of the Earth caused by what we have released to aid productivity, Due to the Greenhouse gases in which the most notable ones is CO2 and methane, Concentrations of these toxic gases have  increased since we started the industrial age, and it is going to continue to grow due to the increase in energy demand, We have new methods of generating Energy, but it won’t be enough cause not all countries can afford to change their energy source immediately, But the rate of carbon keeps increasing and they keep causing life threatening conditions as the Earth’s temperature keeps increasing, But through Carbon capture, which involves capturing the Co2 produced by industries and other sources and burying them underground, this can help to curb Co2 and reduce a significant amount of carbon emission, and could produce new source of fuels to be used for other means. An example of such project is the Net Zero Teeside
Humans have a way of making lives to be worth living, we can prepare sumptuous dinners and they won’t be good enough to be enjoyed if not for the introduction of Meat, man and meat have been together for thousands of years and we know it was the first thing we knew as food before agriculture came, But we took to the domestication of animals which has helped so far, but has it really helped the earth? ,probably Not, the production of Beef as a source of meat has helped to increase the release of the methane gas(CH4),which is a greenhouse gas ,probably the cow fats has it all the time, but even their belches does so and with more than millions of cows all over the world, the Emission figures are stunning, but can we really stop eating beef because of the emissions, probably not, but we have no choice, Or do we ?, yeah we do because of a branch of technology known as genetic engineering, we can grow meats in laboratories and they are totally safe to eat, this is so wonderful cause we can now decrease the amount of cows needed for beef production and the methane levels will decrease along, and with genetic engineering we can engineer plants to absorb more CO2 from the atmosphere ,and planting a lot of these plants could help lower the amount of Co2 in the atmosphere

              We are not in the industrial age again, I mean the age when man discovered it had the potential to generate a new set of potentials, I mean we just wanted to see those lights running, but we are now facing the repercussions and we have discovered that what we did then that we wanted to sacrifice our energy demand has been the reason for the climate crisis, Even in the midst of the climate crisis, we are still craving for energy, But we have created renewable energy such as wind, solar power that generate no emissions and are practically more safer than the rest, the health damages caused by coal and nuclear power are very dangerous and many people have died from this in the past years, The introduction of fuel cells and bio cells, Is a very promising step, we can now acquire energy from growing culture mediums and also by splitting water to get hydrogen, and it’s quite efficient, and we hope it would be used the more ,in years to come.

                     For over 2 centuries now,80% of engines we have nowadays still runs on stuffs that produce Co2 and this trend is not going down anytime soon, cause the energy demand continues to get high as the population increases, Converting all the engines to renewable types isn’t easy, but we can start from now, we could start to power engines using electrical energy instead, this is quite efficient as no/ little CO2 is produced, we can start to use E-planes, which I think is already in circulation, by last year we were able to test such flight with 9 people and it was quite efficient, we can use this on commercial scale, we have electric trains already and electric cars, though this devices are not easy to produce and are quite expensive, but as time goes on, it will be easier to get more resources for production, we hope to make use of it in the future
                             Some few honorable mentions are by refreezing the Arctic, but its rather easily said than done, cause even the result to be expected is not sure, This technologies will definitely take time to implement and we hope that before they are totally implemented, we won’t be late, so in the mean time before we see them around, try to continue your everyday climate crisis management by generating less waste, stop burning stuffs and recycle too, You can also create awareness around over this issue, Create Chats ,forums, videos, groups ,so people can be aware of the destabilizing words around them


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