In life we have a lot to consider and things are kind of changing really fast as we pass through various phases of our life, we pass through a lot from diseases, struggles, Decisions, mistakes and more, but we have never really thought about the fact that we do have a shared will that at least in the point of potential and will, somethings matter while some don’t, we move about every day of our life and some  matters are dispersed due to our daily struggles and hustle, sometimes, we just have to look back that what really matters? , we have got a lot of choices to make and decisions to be taken but some stuffs have to be considered, but this is a matter of scale of preferences and how do you think we can deal with ? , I know it is quite confusing but I think there is nothing bad in looking into it?
                        We live every day, if you understand most part of biology, living in physical definition relates to breathing but that will mean struggle is not classify under it, we kind of live every day, we wake up, perform home duties, go to work, hustle and come back home to enjoy our work, but despite this, we  are not still happy and we keep wondering how we can deal with this as it eats us through, we have been wishing we could just know the way by which the rich people unlocked their wealthy potential so maybe it is time to know the truth in life, Even the rich don’t have peace and that’s because they are under constant threat with the amount of money they have, what if an hacker accesses it or it was stolen in a bank or it got burnt, so should we be poor instead, probably NO,                         we have a way of avoiding this realities by chasing happiness and not money, you think it controls everything, think again!
Sometimes, money doesn’t matter, look in the aspect of love, money can only bring short happiness and long term fear, so if we don’t want money, how do we chase a new life to replace our first believe, we can always do this by being ourselves, being yourself has to do with you looking really deep into yourself and how you can be the best version of yourself, Looking into your creativity and skillset is surely a good idea and I would love it, if you entertain the view, we have different personalities and thinking that gives us master skills and our talents, so why should we waste our time following people’s passion, Do you think mark Zuckerberg was rich because he followed bill gate, nope, He followed his Creativity and I think you should follow yours, how it may sound that you are still working in a boring office, what caused this?
                       If we end this topic without discussing how life has been without a plan then maybe we are planning to crush you totally, you need to know the fact that life itself, has its own plan, the plan for infancy, child, teenage, adult and more, so you have got to have yours and it should be time bound, you can’t achieve your best potential at 50 years, when  your body has turned against you but you can achieve it faster if you can stop the procrastination and look into how you can achieve it faster, maybe we might have been thinking that we are not capable of doing anything since we have passed the age but don’t lose hope, confidence and unrelenting is now your new skill and make sure you use it.

                      So ,if we wish to conclude this topic, what really matters in life, Are you ready to know, you have to be the best version of yourself, open your skillset and creativity, have a plan, we have discussed that, but the most important part is being together with the people you call family, we can’t do without these people and losing them on the way would be a bad tragedy waiting to burst out of nowhere, Anything is possible if they are with you, so make sure you care for them and you are always carrying them along and if possible try to bring them up, so this is not a bad idea to look into life, maybe you should try to introduce pyrochure articles to them.


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