The issue of Climate Change

                            We all know the fact that our weather is always mysterious every day, it is becoming unpredictable and we know it might get worse, we know the causes but we can’t really do much about it since it won’t be beneficial to us, We have been trying to stop it but it seems to be getting worse as other factors give more harms than even our solutions, we cannot do much, but we know the dangers it will pose in the future to the human race ,we can’t really measure how worse it has gotten, but we know that in every seconds, minutes or even hours, it seems to be getting worse all the time, But we only think that it will cause bad weather situations but what if it causes more than that and it ruins it all, we have always been subject to our weather conditions, Even our predictions sometimes don’t go according to the weather, But can we just continue to look as the case gets worse and things get scarier.
                          When we are discussing about the issue of climate change, it is actually a two-faced problem which seems like it can’t be solved, Climate change is leading to a lot of bad things that were not even supposed to happen and as it gets worse, we might have to run to another planet to protect our survivals, as human beings some of our actions are dangerous and could lead to a lot of damage, we knew about climate change and we refused to believe it due to the fact that the equation didn’t seem plausible, even when the physical actions was evident of it, Till now, we still make use of substances and gases that makes it worse, and that’s because we don’t have enough renewable energy to replace the former damaging energy, We have seen widespread wildfires due to this, and more is expected to come, but are this the only issue to consider?
                    We have also forgotten the fact that this climate change will also lead to unforeseen circumstances and as humans we are not good with predictions, we do make simple mistakes too, we have forgotten about the environmental effects it has, with climate change going on rapidly, we might have to worry about global warming, We know the fact that the Earth itself has a good and sustainable temperature which helps to support the Ecosystem and has been very helpful since the formation of life on the planet, but climate change seems to be increasing the temperature at a faster rate and if we are not careful, this could spend the end for us as we can’t control global warming, Global warming is so dangerous to Aquatic organisms that even a +1 change in water temperature is enough to cause the deaths of some Aquatic organisms, We are already losing the reefs due to some of our activities but once global warming starts to sponsor its loss, then we are at a greater problem.

                      We have started the fight against this issue by transforming from coal sponsored energy to green renewable energy such as Wind, solar and more, this will further help us to control the pollutants being released into the atmosphere, As Global warming continues, the ice is going to melt and this can pose a lot of issues to us as most part of continents would be flooded with water, we won’t be able to save coastal areas, Terrible hurricanes will arise and Tornadoes will follow, The Earth might become a scenery of a disaster movie, But we can stop this together by Educating everybody, we are trying our best to stop this before it get worse, we have worsen the situation with deforestation and we hope that we can try to Rebuild the nature that we have restored and organizations work every day to preserve the last remains of nature on Earth including wildlife and also to balance the Ecosystem as a whole, so next time, you are Educating people on climate change, check out ‘Shifting weather patterns on YouTube’ on our YouTube channel to find out more about it.


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