In life we do pass through some struggles as we go through developments in life, we set goals to give us a perfect form of life devoid of any negativity, but it is quite surprising that these goals do change as we grow, but the most reasonable question about it is the fact that why does it change ,maybe because you saw a rich doctor who does his best and lives a great lifestyle or you saw a successful businessman with the perfect life, but I am sure you really want to decipher the code, it feels hard to know you can’t easily decipher the code even when the solution to the problem has been spoken, you do see CEO’s on tv and you keep wondering about how they got that far, They keep telling you to work hard and you feel more confused, you have been w3orking hard and it feels like you should have been so successful by now, Things keeps getting bad and we bring ourselves to ask the main question ,what do I need to know to be successful in life, Education, connections, Authority, of course, we can name the common ones but what about the ones that are not common, so when you are rich does it mean you are successful, let’s find out!
                Talking about being successful is a two faced topic, because it is kind of known that there are two different ways in this, being successful and being rich are definitely not the same even though they will definitely involve each other, so you move along your streets and you see rich people driving their cars around you and they seem to abhor those who couldn’t afford their lifestyle, even to the process of assaulting them, but Is that behavior being taught in the academy of being successful, and the answer is NO, to be successful, you will have to be so humble, even when you are on the way of being successful, we all want that chance to be above everyone, if you are wishing for that and not a way to balance Equality, it seems you are chasing your success away, To be successful, you will need every reason to convince everyone near you that you are simply trying to be successful in a good way and not in a bad way, you won’t want to become a successful evil overlord.

                  We said the first part is humility, with these behavior maybe being successful is at 30% and it is still loading, we have to start working towards your success, because I was thinking that being nice and greeting everybody won’t do the job alone, we might just want to spice up the hard work to attract your future success sponsors, being hardworking is a great way to show what you are and what you are capable of doing, if you are hoping to become successful, you may have to multitask, You can be learning a skill while you working to earn income, you can be creating your business while working, all these are the first step needed, you need to first be an entrepreneur, you will be limited if you are planning to succeed under your boss in most cases succeeding alone outside your boss knowledge will be the best way to pull this off, carry out your hard work discreetly until it starts to surface, but you can also show it to trusted people around to help you with it, maybe you might become successful together.

                    So I think we have managed to list just a few of what can actually help, I think what we have said is kind of the full code to what your role model in success roles have said, but we will spice it a little, So what will be the last tip in helping you in your success journey, you will need what we call relationship, but relationship is kind of different and it is on a different level and we know that in achieving success, you will be having a lot of enemies on your relationship list, but it will take the right approach and reasoning to sorting your relationship, But we have to consider the fact that you should always be expecting your enemies to be one step ahead of you, in achieving your success, you might have to limit your trust and you might not want to trust yourself since that will be dangerous, and you might have to bring people together to help your business, forming a group with ideas on business can help,

                      so maybe being rich does not mean success, you can be rich and be a failure if the wealth was never what you worked for, it is not a good success and such wealth will end up being wasted, as you achieve your success you will learn some lessons which will prepare you for future occurrences and if you really think that driving a big car is being successful then you are wrong, do you know what the person has done to get that car just to prove success ,so that gives you the last tip, stop wondering about people’s success, Don’t learn Programming because of bill gate and mark Zuckerberg, be yourself and focus on your creativity, prove that with the limited resources you have, you can take the world by storm and the last tip you need is success and good self-esteem, you are not above or below anyone but equal, so step out and let’s make a difference together.


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