We have read all manners of prophecies and whether it is biblical or scientifical ,scientifically, we know the fact that humanity has been notable of being able to predict what could happen soon, though not that much accurate but still noted in case it kinds of happen,we happen, to have various thinkings and ideas which makes us to believe that we are not the first to end and we could also be on the brink of extinction as well, we do  see a lot of extinction movies and movies that are capable of reshaping our thinking into reality and we ask the questions,But what questions ?, what will happen in years to come,lookingcome, looking at the technological development from the 19th century to this present day,I could say we have done well in some aspects,We expect more to be done, We are currently working on some that might be able to change the world soon and might even plunge it into darkness, we wish we could take a look into the future and watch how future inhabitants would enjoy the Earth, we should be able to ask the real questions about future events that might make you to want to die quickly or you might want to see, But I think that there will be a lot of events you might not want to see, from sharp light to Extinction, so what do you think will happen, let’s find out!
                            We  have discussed a lot about  the future, how the future will look like with lots of technology, but we have forgotten that there are some repeated cycles that could take over, over and over again, We cannot argue over the fact that the dinosaur extinction is not the first extinction on earth and we also know the fact that, it has not been the end of extinction objects, humanity has a higher risk of extinction from outer space objects that are even more dangerous than the weapons we have built, we have a lot of stuffs that could make us extinct, from Asteroids collisions even to gamma ray bursts and magnetic interference, all this events will probably happen in the future and it will be more disastrous since we are not expecting it, These events can cause massive deaths around the world, especially asteroids collisions which are powerful than most of the nuclear weapons we have, and the size of a mountain is enough to end us, The case of Gamma ray burst is life threatening itself, it is formed when Stars explode, the energy released contain gamma rays which are harmful to the earth, it would cause magnetic disruptions, ozone depletion, volcanic and seismic activities and more, But we can always survive all these with technology, with technology, we could learn about the increasing trend of our detection of near planet asteroids ,so we can get a correct warning, if they are about to strike, And with this technology, we can change asteroids trajectory and save the earth from such event.
                     We know it is thousands of years, but we know it might actually be enough for humans to finally achieve their colonization, We are starting our colonization procedure in 2024 and we hope to stay in space permanently, This is a dream that never came into focus during the 18th century or even the 19th century, but the increasing technology trend is helping us to get adjusted to space exploration and we now think, it is possible for us to stay  and live in such non earth like conditions, so we plan to colonize mars, Venus and titan, we can always do so, since we can build biospheres and maintain temperature and we can also adjust stuffs around us, since the planets are inhabitable, we would have to create ways to terraform them, mars can still be terraformed but it will take thousands of years, we don’t know much about titan, but we believe life may be able to evolve, and we think that life might be in the cloud of Venus, New findings shows that we might even be able to colonize distant planets since Warp drive technology will soon be created, Our technology trend is so surprising as we can’t really decipher how earth will look in 100 years, we can be able to create space habitats that are drifting through space, if gene engineering became a normal stuff, we might be able to edit genes of plants to grow on planets with some conditions after all, we could do it on Earth, so why not other planets too?.
                      We can’t end this article discussing about boring Earth events, we have to take a dive into space and give a view into what might happen, We know the fact that the moon is shifting away from the Earth, so maybe in the distant future, we might not have a moon and I am sure you know how bad it can be, forget about romance and remember the fact that Animals use moon to regulate activities, we might actually have a new ringed planet in our midst, phobos which is the moon of mars is shifting closer into mars and it has a faster revolution period than its partner, Deimos, so we expect that when it gets to the Roche limit, It will break into pieces and it will form a gigantic ring, if the same were to happen to our moon, we would have a gigantic ring, which would be beautiful, the ability to think about this even is fantastic, but we know we won’t be able to live to see some of it, if possible most of it, But who cares?, isn’t this article for fun, check out our podcasts in your free time.


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