1.Why living to the end of the world might not be cool


That time when you thought vampires are cool because they get to see the rise of humans from primitive type to the modern types that are now called the phone pressing generations, no one would have believed that we would have the present technologies we have right now, it is just so weird because the 20th century looked so far from what we call the 21st century, but in more centuries to come, we can expect more advanced future technologies that will likely change the way we see things and our mode of life too, we all know that movies in the 20th century have predicted what the 21st century  might look like, though some didn’t live to see it, but it was certain, these movies brought the ideas for some movies, movies such as the space odyssey brought about the inspiration of iPad as far back as the 1960’s,and with the movies we have presently, we can say the 22nd century would be worth a good experience, we would be expecting a ski trip on mars, Cybernetics, quantum computers, genetic engineering, mind uploading, more space travel, it is like the fantasy we hoped for, but we need to tell you the fact that the future has all the goodies and also the baddies and we are more likely to have more baddies than the goodies, or you think it is like much of a fantasy.

You might have watched Geo storm and might have thought it as an impossible movie, It is not impossible though as in the future we would have the ability to control the weather and it could be disastrous if this control ends up like the movie, “snow piercer”, Climate change has been a very heart pounding mystery on the table of scientists, the Earth is heating up very fast and global temperatures are rising up so fast, the rate at which they are rising up is becoming more and more problematic every year, due to this temperatures, we have melting of ice and Massive forest fires and other events throughout the world, Scientists have predicted that in years to come water levels will rise and coastal cities are likely to be submerged, we also know the fact that in years to come we might have to deal with low air quality as deforestation takes the lead in cutting off our air supply, we might have the technology to replace our needs for trees by then, but before we have it, the damages it will cause will be so unrepairable and might make us go extinct even before we have developed such technology.

The next issue we need to worry about is in space, we have always been thinking as the only controllers of our own future, but with the recent discoveries of threats in space and with the fermi’s paradox, we can say we might not be the only civilization who has gone extinct due to space attacks, Scientists have predicted a lot of cosmic events in the future which you might not want to meet them, Scientist believe that an asteroid the size of the ones that killed the dinosaurs is coming very soon, they also believe that it is possible that gamma ray bursts can also happen if Betelgeuse exploded in 100,000 years later, this makes it even harder to predict what we can do if it happens, Space is also filled with various  solar system object events such as solar flares which have the probability to destroy civilizations and devices on a very large scale, scientists predicts that it might happen in the next 50 years, it has happened before in 1859(Carrington Event) and they feel it might happen again anytime soon.

We might be discussing threats all the time, after all the future is no good sometimes due to the predictions of scientists, we have predicted Earth and space events, but we have forgotten the nature effect, In the future scientists have predicted a lot of pandemics and epidemics, deadlier than each one, we are currently facing the covid-19 pandemic and it has shown us our limit, A pandemic in the future can exterminate a lot of the human race if not properly handled, The future could be filled with futuristic items, But it doesn’t stop the Bad stuffs from coming around them, To live longer than usual, you might need to tamper with the telomeres and mitochondria of a cell, Radiation will definitely not help you to live long, you might live long due to improvement in medicine, so why would you want to live to the end of the world?, is it worth it ? and Do you still want to do it after all the stuffs listed above? , Comment below!.


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